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At the Relax

For the last evening, we all decided to have dinner in the restaurant "Le Relax". Arnaud had already told us about that restaurant. So we had dinner there nearly every evening. We were a small group. Robert, the owner, who liked telling the customers anecdotes, told us that he broke some chairs down not to have too many customers. The restaurant was on the border of the town centre, so there were never too many people, and some regulars had been coming to have dinner for 15 to 24 years. But when Robert saw us coming, the students, the teachers and their children, he jumped back a few metres. But he managed to find enough sea basses and impressive gilt-heat beams for everyone. During dinner, we evoked our past experiences, exchanged our good addresses and left the restaurant quite late in the night. Some of us planed to meet again for the next training courses.

This account ends here (for the moment), but I will (more or less) soon add a few sections to this website: the teachers, the boats, Saint Florent, a member area, the account of the next training courses...

Dinner at the Relax